What to Expect From TMS

What to Expect From TMS

Antidepressant medications work to resolve symptoms of depression for many, but some people don’t benefit enough from treatment methods like medication and psychotherapy alone. Symptoms of major depression keep you trapped by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or numbness.

If you’ve tried counseling and medications, and haven’t received enough relief, or if you have concerns about side effects from antidepressant treatment options, you should know more about transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy for depression.

Under the leadership of Dr. Ronald P. Winfield, the team at Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associates, LLC of Lowell, Massachusetts provides TMS treatment to new and existing patients. Here’s more on what you can expect when you come into our Lowell offices for TMS treatment.

How does TMS treat depression?

TMS therapy provides a nonpharmacological treatment option for people living with depression. TMS is approved by the FDA as a treatment for major depressive disorder, and can provide long-term symptom relief.

We’re still learning more about all of the mental health interventions TMS may be able to offer. This revolutionary approach stimulates your brain, transforming your symptoms of depression where they originate.

The TMS device emits repeated magnetic pulses that simulate your brain’s neurons to release neurotransmitters, changing your brain chemistry and creating new neuronal activity to lessen or eliminate your depression-related mental health symptoms.

What to expect during a TMS therapy appointment

Dr. Winfield and the Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associates team use state-of-the-art CloudTMS® technology to provide your TMS treatment. You recline next to the machine in comfort. The safe, painless device involves a stimulator coil, placed on your head after being measured for your unique proportions. Each TMS treatment session takes about 20-30 minutes.

TMS treatments are available on an outpatient basis. You won’t need any sedation or anesthesia for this minimally invasive therapy. You may experience a sensation of gentle pulsing around the area where the stimulator coil rests.

Most patients report minimal to nonexistent side effects after TMS treatment. Some people feel more discomfort in the first few treatment sessions, and then find that reactions fade. Scalp discomfort and headaches may rarely occur. Our team can adjust the intensity of your treatment sessions, if needed to address problems with sensitivity.

Long-lasting mental health results

TMS therapy includes a total of 36 sessions over the course of 12 weeks. The first six weeks are more intensive, with five treatment sessions per week. After that, you need a single weekly maintenance treatment each week for six more weeks.

Your results with TMS therapy may be long-lasting, potentially giving you a total remission of your depression symptoms. About half of TMS patients find that their symptoms totally abate after completing the treatment program.

To learn more about how TMS treatment could free you from symptoms of depression and improve your quality of life, get in touch with the mental health experts at Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associates today. Schedule your consultation over the phone, or book online now.

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