How to Support a Loved One With Panic Disorder

Coping with a panic disorder isn’t as simple as getting a diagnosis. Treatment for panic disorders can take time. During treatment, you or your loved one will need care, support, and understanding.

The psychiatric and mental health specialists at Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associates LLC of North Chelmsford, Massachusetts, can diagnose panic and anxiety disorders, and provide the ongoing care and treatment needed to recover both peace of mind and quality of life.

Ask a member of our team, led by Dr. Ronald P. Winfield, about how you can help to support your loved one after a panic disorder diagnosis.

Understanding panic disorders

For a person with a panic or anxiety disorder, emotions of worry, fear, or panic interfere with daily life to an unwanted extent. People with anxiety and panic problems may have an anxiety disorder like agoraphobia, or suffer from PTSD, depression, or another mental health condition.

Your loved one isn’t choosing to be irrationally afraid or anxious. The symptoms of an anxiety or panic disorder may not be visible, but they are very real to your loved one and cause real pain. When you understand your loved one’s condition, you can offer help and support for panic or anxiety attacks.

If you can recognize signs of anxiety or a panic attack, like breathing changes, nausea or stomach upset, or lightheadedness and fatigue, you may be able to help your loved one get through a difficult time more successfully. You can also learn to recognize common anxiety-driven behaviors like avoidance, compulsive actions, and all-or-nothing approaches.

Taking a gentle approach

Stay patient in your approach to a loved one’s disordered anxieties and be supportive if your loved one experiences recurring panic attacks. Don’t enable a loved one with anxiety but also be sure not to force confrontation or express doubt or belittlement. Your loved one with panic or anxiety issues isn’t weak and may benefit more from your validation than from criticism.

Don’t take control of another’s recovery, but do let your loved one with panic or anxiety symptoms know that you care and want to help them get professional diagnosis and treatment. With the right care, your loved one can get free of debilitating mental health symptoms related to anxiety.

Professional care and support

Secure the diagnosis and treatment your loved one needs with Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associates. A simple check-in appointment creates an opportunity to take stock of your loved one’s mental health and wellness concerns.

After a diagnosis for an anxiety or panic disorder, a provider at Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associates can make recommendations about long-term care options. Depending on your loved one’s condition and needs, we might suggest:

Support and treatment can get anxiety and panic disorders under control and help your loved one reclaim a full and relaxed life. Reach out for support now by scheduling an appointment with a provider at Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associates today. Book your session online, or call now to schedule.

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