How Millennium PGTSM Pharmacogenetic Testing Helps Predict Your Response to Certain Medications

If you suffer from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, or another mental health condition, you may have experienced the challenging trial-and-error process involved in finding a prescription drug that’s right for you. Just when you think you’ve discovered an appropriate solution, you find you’re dizzy and lightheaded during the third or fourth week on a new prescription. Then it’s back to the doctor for another try. 

Wouldn’t it be a relief to have more assurance that a particular drug can work for you before you begin taking it? That’s no longer science fiction. At Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associates, LLC, our team led by Dr. Ronald P. Winfield uses Millennium PGTSM pharmacogenetic testing to help determine which prescription drug can help your condition without the trial-and-error process that can take several months and still be unsatisfactory. 

What is Millennium PGT pharmacogenetic testing? 

Millennium PGT testing involves a simple oral swab of saliva in your mouth. It couldn’t be easier.

The test provides Dr. Winfield with specific information on how your genetic makeup can influence your response to various prescription drugs he’s considering for your treatment. He could prescribe the same drug with the same dose to you and another patient, and the two of you could respond completely differently. Pharmacogenetic testing helps take the guesswork out of the process.

What does the Millennium PGT pharmacogenetic test reveal?

The test uses DNA technology to scrutinize variants of 14 genes and how they correspond to medication response. Your oral swab sample is sent to Millennium’s professionally accredited lab, which is certified as a training facility for toxicology scientists. 

Once the lab performs its analysis, Dr. Winfield receives a report called the Millennium Analysis of Patient Phenotype (MAPP), which provides him with information on more than 40 medications across 12 different medication classes. These include drugs for mental health conditions such as addiction, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and ADHD. 

The report not only analyzes the medications Dr. Winfield may prescribe for you; it also analyzes the medications you’re currently taking. It provides specific information based on your genetic makeup:  

In essence, the test provides individually targeted drug therapy for you. 

Effective approach to mental health medication management  

A National Institute of Mental Health study found that fewer than 30% of patients had a satisfactory response to the first antidepressant prescribed. Almost 25% of patients still had ongoing depression after four medication trials over a period of nine months.  

The Millennium PGT  test may help physicians help patients’ mental health conditions improve more quickly because you’re not prescribed drugs that are ineffective for you. It may also reduce inappropriate use of prescription drugs, lowering the cost so you don’t have to try a number of different drugs before finding relief. 

Call Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associates for the most advanced expert and compassionate care for mental health conditions for you and your loved ones. You also can request an appointment online.

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